United States
The Spookasaurus, formerly known as Kooky Not Spooky, is a fun and festive running event presented by Run Chattanooga. Set against the scenic backdrop of the Tennessee River, participants can choose from various distances, including the Hocus Pocus Half Marathon, Terrifying 10K, Frightening 5K, and a Fun Run. This family-friendly event encourages costumes and offers a relaxed, non-competitive atmosphere, making it perfect for runners and walkers alike.
With amenities like aid stations, post-race snacks, and a focus on enjoyment, Spookasaurus promises a delightful Halloween celebration for all ages. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.
Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
13 mi
Hocus Pocus Half Marathon
10 km
Terrifying 10k
5 km
Frightening 5k
Fun Run